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Welcome to Pathminder

Manitoba's portal for mental health and addictions community wellness resources.

Pathminder is an initiative by the Manitoba Government and administered by the Canadian Mental Health Association Manitoba

Reaching out for help takes courage. Pathminder provides users access to a whole community of supports right here, to help you on your journey. The portal is designed to help navigate Manitoba’s mental health, addiction services, and community wellness supports.

Stories of Hope

Reaching out for help is hard but six years ago, Karen finally found the courage to seek help through the Rehabilitation and Recovery Service offered by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). Before she sought help, when she felt like she was “in the deepest hole she’d ever been in… no hope at all,” and had no desire to live. Karen was in the program for over two years with CMHA and truly believes it saved her life.  


During her time involved in mental health services Karen has worked through issues that got her ready to return to school and work in the mental health field. She openly acknowledges that she still has bad days but now has the tools to move through these moments. Karen reminds herself that recovery is possible despite many adversities, hardships, and traumatic experiences. At the end of the day, her most powerful message is that every human being, despite their circumstances, has a life worth living, with true meaning and purpose.  

If you would like to read more on Karen’s journey, please click here. 

Well-being Self Assessment